How to use SmartBumblebee App that helps the fruit growth of tomatoes

This article explains how to use the SmartBumblebee App that helps the fruit growth of tomatoes for iOS to enhance the effect.


You can download this app from the App Store.




What kind of App is SmartBumblebee?



This is an application that helps the fruit growth of tomatoes by using the vibration function of the iPhone device.


  • This app helps pollinating tomato flowers by replacing the bumblebees action of vibrating tomato flowers and collecting pollen.
  • Users can save the information regarding usage (ie. Date, amount of vibration, memos, and photos) to manage the work history and to keep track for future improvement of the pollination process.

*this app can also be used to pollinate other vegetables (ie. eggplants and peppers)


Mechanism of fruit set on tomatoes


Why is pollination necessary?


Structure of tomato flowers and how they are pollinated

Structure of tomato flowers and how they are pollinated



Tomato pollen is produced only inside the tubular ovary


pistil (stigma):

The pistil (stigma) is also inside the cylinder, and pollination is completed without going out of it.


Mechanism of vibration of tomato flowers and improvement of pollination efficiency


 Since the stigma of tomato flowers blooms downwards, the pollen falls down by vibrating the flower, and then pollinating and fruiting on the stigma.


Fruit set of tomatoes and use of bumblebees


Some tomato farmers use bumblebees to increase yields.


When cultivating on a large scale like farmers, it is difficult for staffs to vibrate all the tomato flowers, so they have some bumblebees at the cultivation site to promote tomato fruit set.


Bumblebees can collect pollen by biting on tomato flowers (stamens), shaking their bodies to drop pollen, and attaching it to their own bodies.
When tomato pollen falls from the tip of the flower, it adheres to the stigma (pistil) and helps pollination.
HONEYBEE can’t be used to pollinate tomatoes like with melons and pumpkins. This is because it is impossible for the honeybee to bite the flowers and vibrate their bodies, and therefore can not collect tomato pollen.


Actual pollination of tomato flowers by bumblebees

A bumblebee buzz-pollinates a tomato flower by  Alex M. Murphy, Sanjie Jiang, and John P. Carr is licensed under CC


How to improve pollination effect


Check the vibration characteristics of the device used



  1. Check which part of your phone vibrates the strongest.
  2. most iPhone devices vibrate the strongest at the bottom.
  3. Touch the target(flower part) and vibrate it using this part of the phone.


How to process using this app


How to process using this app

 Touch the device at the base stem of the flower bunch to vibrate it.

 If there are only a few flowers in the bunch, only target and process them.


When does pollination work effectively?


In seasons with a minimum temperature of 10°C or higher and a maximum temperature of 35°C or lower

・In seasons with a minimum temperature of 10°C or higher and a maximum temperature of 35°C or lower


Weather on the day of pollination



Use on sunny or cloudy weather, avoid processing on rainy days


The time period for pollination

The time period for pollination


State of tomato bunches ready to process

State of tomato bunches ready to process

 The pollination process starts when the flower at the root is available and continues at a certain period until the flower at the tip has completed pollination.


State of tomato flowers that can be pollinated

State of tomato flowers that can be pollinated


Frequency of pollination


Summer:(daily average temperature is 20°C or higher)

Summer:(daily average temperature is 20°C or higher)

daily to 1-day intervals



Spring and Autumn:(daily average temperature is 20°C or higher)

Spring and Autumn:(daily average temperature is 20°C or higher)

2 to 3-day intervals


How tomato flower clusters appear

How tomato flower clusters appear

Pollinate by vibrating all flowers under conditions of 10-35°C outside


What you need to do to ensure the effect


Good tomato growth is required for pollination


If the tomatoes grow poorly(ie. when the leaves are lightly yellowed or the stems near the flowers are extremely thin (5 mm or less)), don’t pollinate the flowers because they may not grow.



Take necessary care to ensure good growth before pollination.


Typical causes of poor growth:

  • The temperature during cultivation is too low
  • Insufficient fertilizer(re:extra fertilizer use)

  • Insufficient irrigation

  • roots are damaged due to long rains period

  • Extremely low period of sunny days

  • Disease and pest outbreaks


How to check the effect


How to check if the fruit has settled after processing


Flowers that have completed fruit set

Flowers that have completed fruit set

 ・When fruit set is complete, the ovary (fruit part) becomes glossy and swelling (7 mm or more)


The estimated period from after treatment (flowering) to confirmation of fruit set :


Summer (daily average temperature is 20°C or higher)

After treatment 4 to 6 days

Spring and Autumn (daily average temperature is 10 to 20°C)

After treatment 5 to 7 days


Thank you for visiting our website enjoy your tomato life.

Happy Tomating !!


